Bishop of Katanga m.Meletios Gregoriatis is working simultaneously for the transfusion of God’s word in Congo and for the autonomy of the local church .
Playing the dual role of spiritual sower and farmer, he has built a large farm in the village of Luankonko at Kolwezi. There many tons of corn are produced and source companies in the region, such as Malta Forest. Particular concern exists for the clergy, and at the end of each month every priest of the bishopric receives a fifty kilo corn bag. Alongside wheat is being supplied to workers, prisoners and the poor of the bishopric without any discrimination. The reputation of this project reached the President of the Republic, who presented His Grace the country’s honorary title.
In Nelson Mandela’s words, education is a weapon to be used to combat poverty in the world. In Katanga Bishopric 80% of the parishes have schools. Moreover, the students at these pay tuition, which helps pay for the salaries of priests and workers in parishes. Nearly all the large parishes are financially independent, except those found in the poorest villages which are being taken cared of by the Cathedral. Indeed, His Grace has given his blessing to the clergy to design more development programs which will help their parishes’ financial autonomy.
P.Meletios has not stopped there , but he built a hospital dedicated to Saints Cosmas and Damianos for the needs of the priests , the children of the boarding school , the workers and the poor . Surprisingly, even mining companies have signed contracts with the hospital , which is committed to providing health care to their employees.