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Όσιος Μωυσής ο Αιθίοπας


Ορθόδοξος Συναξαριστής

 Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για αγιος μωυσης ο αιθιοπας

Εορτάζει στις 28 Αυγούστου εκάστου έτους.
Ο όσιος Μωυσής ήταν αγορασμένος δούλος κάποιου πλούσιου κτηματία. Είχε χαρακτήρα σκληρό και δύστροπο και καθημερινά δημιουργούσε πολλά προβλήματα, ώσπου το αφεντικό του αγανάκτησε και τον πέταξε στον δρόμο. Ο Μωυσής βρήκε καταφύγιο σε μια ληστοσυμμορία και με την τεράστια σωματική του δύναμη δεν άργησε να επιβληθεί και να γίνει ο αρχηγός της.

Κάποτε, κυνηγημένος από τα όργανα της εξουσίας, για τα πολλά του εγκλήματα, πήγε να κρυφτεί βαθειά στην έρημο όπου ζούσαν οι πιο ονομαστοί ασκητές. Η συναναστροφή του με τους αγίους τον έκανε σιγά - σιγά να ημερεύσει. Τον επισκίασε η Χάρη του Θεού, γιατί η μετάνοια είναι ώρα Χάριτος, μαλάκωσε η καρδιά του, μετανόησε πραγματικά και ζήτησε την λύτρωση. Η αλλαγή του ήταν ριζική και σε σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα έφτασε στα μέτρα των μεγάλων Πατέρων της ερήμου. Μετά το βάπτισμα αξιώθηκε να λάβει και την Χάρη της Ιεροσύνης.

Συνέχεια... http://www.saint.gr/2208/saint.aspx

"Ζωναράδικος"στην Ουγκάντα... Η Θράκη ταξιδεύει παντού!!

εκδόσεις Χρυσοπηγή


"Γιορτή λήξης της κατασκήνωσης στο Λουγκουζί της Ουγκάντας, Κυριακή 27 Αυγούστου 2017
"Ζωναράδικος"από τα παιδιά του χωριού
Δάσκαλοι οι εθελοντές της αποστολής μας
Χριστίνα Σεφερλή, Ακριβή Κουμπέτσου
και Γιώργος Αγγελόπουλος.

Τους ευχαριστούμε "από καρδιάς"πολύ!"


Kenya: "Our Second day of our mission work in Meru County"



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"Our Second day of our mission work in Meru County. We visited The St. Luke and St. Haralambos churches that are under construction. the work is progressing on very well. The faithful are actively involved in this very impressive effort. glory to God."


Sierra Leone: Ηanding out provissions to the Flood victims

Themi Adamopoulo

 Another day of handing out provissions to the Flood victims, but this time a little more organised.

Orthodox youth and priests from parts of Africa who will be going to take part in a youth conference in Romania

Seeing the Love of Christ in the People of Uganda



Orthodox Christian Mission Center

by Alexandra King  (Posted 8/25/2017)

OCMC News - Seeing the Love of Christ in the People of Uganda
Earlier this year an OCMC Team to Uganda helped to build a school in the
village of Bulera.

In the beginning of the summer of 2017, I experienced the Orthodox faith in a special and unique way. Having the opportunity to assist in the building of a school building associated with a church community was truly a blessing and I will never forget this experience. Uganda is truly a beautiful country. Waking up every morning and hearing the sounds of nature reminded me that we all live in God’s creation.

This feeling of living in God’s creation continued throughout the day when we were working at the build site. Often times, one of the nearby families would give us fresh grown maize as a snack, and on occasion would show us the farming land where they had avocados, passionfruit, and mangos growing. Through these experiences I was reminded of Genesis 1:11, where it states: “Then God said, ‘Let the land produce vegetation: seed -bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.’ And it was so.” The caring nature of the Ugandan people became evident through small acts of kindness. Throughout the trip, it became apparent that the Ugandan people wanted to show us the best that Uganda had to offer; this showed their love for their country.

There were seven of us who traveled to Bulera by way of Kampala after a combined twenty–four hours of flying from Jacksonville, FL to our final destination of Entebbe. During the first day or so of the trip, the team members all got know one another better as we learned more about of the Orthodox Church of Uganda. By this point, we were all excited to start our journey through this wonderful mission.

During the week, we made good progress on the construction of the school by installing the windows, completing the roof and floor with help from the local masons. We also had an opportunity to meet some of the residents of Bulera and often times would play kick ball with the children. On the last day, we were able to see all of the progress we had made and were in awe of our work. This was also a special day because we were able to make palm crosses for the children and they were excited to show their families these little treasures.
Throughout our trip we were blessed to have met such amazing clergy of the Orthodox Church of Uganda. Our host, Fr. Nicholas Bayego, a graduate of Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, discussed with us what a special opportunity this short-term mission was considering the last team to go to Uganda was two or three years ago. Over the course of the week, Fr. Nicholas would also make funny anecdotes to make us laugh during the work days in the tropical climate. We were joined by another local priest, Fr. Emmanuel, who was very excited to have us there and to make progress on the school. He also told us that there is an ongoing shortage of clergy in Uganda. He is the priest for four parishes and travels to all the communities. This was an astonishing fact to learn because we all take for granted that our spiritual fathers are always there.
It was an honor to have the opportunity to meet His Eminence Metropolitan Jonah of Kampala and All Uganda as well. After talking with His Eminence, it became apparent that the Orthodox Church of Uganda is thriving and His Eminence looks forward to continued growth in the future.

Based on my participation on this mission trip, I was able to see the Orthodox Faith in Africa, a part of the world I had never been to before. I’m so encouraged to see the level of commitment that the Ugandans have to their Orthodox Faith. I look forward to returning to Uganda and to future OCMC mission trips elsewhere in the world.


Θεραπεύοντας τον ανθρώπινο πόνο


Αγαπητοί φίλοι της Ιεραποστολής,
Σας χαιρετώ στο όνομα του αναστάντος Χριστού μας. Είμαι πάντοτε συγκινημένος, όταν επικοινωνώ γραπτώς με την Αδελφότητα Ορθοδόξου Εξωτερικής Ιεραποστολής, μέσω της οποίας γαλουχήθηκε η ιεραποστολική μου συνείδηση.
Παίρνω το θάρρος επικαλούμενος τα φιλόστοργα αισθήματα του Διοικητικού σας Συμβουλίου και των δωρητών σας, να παρακαλέσω για την αποστολή 3.000-4.000 ευρώ για τις άμεσες ιατρικές δαπάνες της Ιεράς Μητροπόλεως Κινσάσας. Όπως γνωρίζετε, οι πολύπαθοι αδελφοί μας εδώ στο Κονγκό στερούνται ιατροφαρμακευτικής περίθαλψης. Όλα είναι επί πληρωμή δυστυχώς!

Ανησυχώ αν υπάρχουν φάρμακα στη μικρή κλινική που έχτισε η Αδελφότητά σας στην περιοχή Shamana στα βόρεια της ζούγκλας του Κονγκό. Από εκεί δεν υπάρχει τρόπος επικοινωνίας. Τα νέα φτάνουν, όταν κάποιος μετά από μήνες έρχεται από τη δύσβατη αυτή τροπική περιοχή. Επιπλέον, έχω να αντιμετωπίσω τα έκτακτα ιατρικά προβλήματα των αδελφών μας εδώ στην πρωτεύουσα Κινσάσα. Δεν υπάρχουν χρήματα για αυτές τις ανάγκες, που προκύπτουν αιφνίδια και χρήζουν άμεσης αντιμετώπισης, καθώς κινδυνεύουν ανθρώπινες ζωές.
Σας είμαι ευγνώμων για την αμέριστη αγάπη και οικονομική σας βοήθεια. Ο Θεός να σας ευλογεί πάντοτε.
Με την αγάπη του αναστάντος Χριστού μας,
†Ο Κινσάσας Νικηφόρος
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Η καρδιά ξέρει ...


Πώς να ξεχάσει κάποιος ό,τι είδε, άκουσε, άγγιξε μα πάνω απ'όλα ένιωσε στην φιλόξενη οικογένεια του παπα-Γιώργη, στο Λουγκουζί, στο Ρουμπάλε, στο Φορντ Πόρταλ, στη Νατσάκο, στο Ναουάνγκο, στο Καμπόγκε; Όλα όσα ζήσαμε είναι βαθιά χαραγμένα στην καρδιά μας κι αυτή ξέρει ...
  Αγγελική Παντελή ( εθελόντρια στην 6η αποστολή μας στην Ουγκάντα)


"Όταν βάλεις στη ζωή σου τον Θεό και την Αφρική, τίποτα πια δεν είναι όπως πριν...!"

Επ’ ευκαιρία του Προγράμματος Νέων των Ορθοδόξων Εκκλησιών Μέσης Ανατολής...

Orthodox Diocese of Mozambique - Ιερά Επισκοπή Μοζαμβίκης, Orthodoxia.Info
Την Κυριακή, 27 Αυγούστου 2017, τελέστηκε με ιδιαίτερη λαμπρότητα Πανηγυρικό Αρχιερατικό Συλλείτουργο, προϊσταμένων της Α.Θ.Μ. του Πάπα και Πατριάρχη…
orthodoxia.info|By Orthodoxia.Info

Kiambu Orthodox Sunday School Department

Diocese Orthodoxe di Burundi e di Rwanda: Divina Liturgia nella Parrochia di Rwamagana - Rwanda all' occazione dello Synaxe dei Dodici Apostoli...

Titus Twungubumwe

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Come conoscere Gesù? Come incontrarlo? Chi ne ha sentito parlare, soprattutto chi ha accolto l' annuncio di lui come Salvatore di tutti, non può fare a meno di porsi queste demande. La riposta viene dai testimoni della sua vita, da chi lo ha seguito fin dal principio.
Il 29 Giugno, la Chiesa Orthodoxe celebra il Santo Pietro e il Santo Paolo. Pella potenza della Sua misericordia, Gesù, Il Figlio di Dio ha confidato le chiave del Cielo a Santo Pietro, questo discepolo che l' aveva negato. A proposito di Sauli, il persecutore della Chiesa di Gesù, ecco lui che la semina adesso nel tutto mondo!
Lo Synaxe (da Greco: assemblee) significa una assemblee di preghiera Liturgica dei Cristiani per un occasione d' una qualcuna solenita.
Il 30 Giugno, la Chiesa Orthodoxe celebra LO SYNAXE DEI DODICI APOSTOLI.
Colla benedizione del nostro Padre Spirituale: Monsignore Innocentios BYAKATONDA, Il Vescovo presso il Diocese Orthodoxe di Burundi e di Rwanda, è celebrato Una Divina Liturgia nella Parrochia di Rwamagana - Rwanda all' occazione dello Synaxe dei Dodici Apostoli. Questa Parrochia Orthodoxe di Rwamagana è infatti dedicata ai Dodici Apostoli.
Noi avevamo preparato questo testo e facciamo oggi questa publicazione per una meditazione continuale sulle questi due celebrazioni: primo a proposito dei Gloriosi ed Illustri Santi Apostoli della Chiesa: Santo Pietro e Santo Paolo; secundo a proposito dello Synaxe dei Dodici Gloriosi ed Illustri Apostoli; una celebrazione nella Chiesa Orthodoxe nel mundo generalmente e nella nostra parte del Diocese di Burundi e di Rwanda in particolare. Soprattutto, questa publicazione è una riflessione e una meditazione di come continuare a benissimo conoscere Gesù Cristo e incontrarlo: seguire, amare e servire il nostro Salvatore e Signore, imitare la sua esperienza nella nostra vita personale di ogni giorni e fare l' esperienza della Sua grande amore nella Chiesa Orthodoxe, la nostra madre.
Dal Vangelo di Gesù Cristo secondo Santo Marco 3: 16-19, l' autore parla dei Dodici Apostoli di Gesù. " I Dodici erano: Simone che Gesù chiamò 'Pietro', Giacomo e suo fratello Giovanni, che erano figli di Zebedèo – Gesù li chiamò anche 'Boarnèghes' che significa 'figli del tuono'– poi Andrea, Filippo, Bartolomeo, Matteo, Tommaso, Giacomo figlio di Alfeo, Taddeo, Simone che era del partito degli zeloti e Giuda Iscariota che poi fu il traditore di Gesù."
Dagli Atti degli Apostoli 1: 15-26, il testo si riferisce a Mattias che ha completato il gruppo dei Dodici Apostoli dopo Giuda Iscariota è divenuto il traditore di Gesù. Anche, dagli Atti degli Apostoli 9: 1-31, è parlato come Gesù Cristo risorto ha chiamato saüli che divverrà Santo Paolo.
Gesù aveva chiamato dei discepoli: Pietro, Andrea, Giovanii..., aveva vissuto con loro, insegnando alle folle e compiendo miracoli, aiutando i discepoli a capire la sua missione, i conflitti cui andava incontro. Essi lo avevano visto morire su una croce, affidato liberamente e totalmente alla volonta del Padre. Dopo l' amara esperienza della croce egli non spezzò il suo legame con loro: anzi, si mostrò risorto, vivo, ed essi lo riconobbero nella fede quale signore e Figlio di Dio. Questo evento, che transformava la loro vita, doveva essere annunciato come "VANGELO", cioè "BUONA NOTIZIA", a tutti gli uomini. Animati dallo Spirito, presero perciò a proclamare che Dio aveva risuscitato Gesù dai morti e lo aveva costituito Messia e Signore e invitavano tutti a convertirsi e a credere in lui.
In questa attività missionaria, come pure celebrando il Battesimo o l' Eucaristia, nelle assemblee di preghira e nella catechesi dei primi cristiani, prese forma la memoria degli insegnamenti di Gesù, dei raconti dei suoi miracoli, dei suoi gesti misericordia, della sua passione e delle esperienze pasquali, con la preoccupazione di rendere queste parole ed eventi continualmente attuali per le diverse situazioni delle comunità.
A queste tradizioni attinsero gli evangelisti; cosi sono nati i quattro Vangeli, che la Chiesa riconosce come testimonianze autentiche della vicenda di Gesù Cristo e della fede in lui: Vangelo secondo Matteo, secondo Marco, secondo Luca e secondo Giovanni.
I nostri auguri di una felice e piacevole celebrazione ai nostri sorolle e fratelli della Parrochia Rwamagana – Rwanda, che celebrano i loro Santi Patroni: I Dodici Apostoli!
Testo da:
Lettore Timotheos (Tito) TWUNGUBUMWE
La Chiesa Orthodoxe al Rwanda
Il 30 Giugno 2017


Afrika azizlerinden Etiyopyalı Aziz Musa

   28 Ağustos   Etiyopyalı Aziz Musa

Ona ‘Siyah Musa’ da derler. O bir köleydi fakat kötü hayatından ötürü efendisi tarafından kovuldu. Sonra Mısır’da ölüm saçan bir hırsız çetesinin lideri oldu. Ancak tövbeye geldi ve Skitisli Aziz İsidoros’un altında, çölde manastır hayatına girdi. Uzun yıllar dua, oruç ve gece ibadetleriyle birlikte yorulmaksızın mücadele etti. Sonunda şehvet ve şiddet düşüncelerinden Aziz İsidoros’un dualarıyla kurtuldu. Derin tevazusu, bilgeliği ve çileci hayatından ötürü bütün kardeşlik tarafından büyük saygı gördü. Bir keresinde bir keşiş günah işledi ve diğer keşişler onu yargılamak için toplandı. Musa en baştan gitmeyi reddetti fakat ısrar ettiklerinde, eski püskü bir sepeti kumla doldurdu ve sırtına yükleyip geldi. Keşişler bu hareketin ne anlama geldiğini sorunca o şöyle yanıtladı, “Günahlarım arkamda sızıyor fakat onları görmüyorum bile ve buraya kardeşimi yargılamaya geldim”. Bunun üstüne keşiş affedildi. Zamanla bu keşişlerin en mütevazısının ünü o kadar yayıldı ki krallar ve piskoposlar çöle onun bilgeliği ile kutsiyetini görmeye geldiler. İleri yaşındayken Skiti’ye* saldırmaya gelen bir eşkıya grubu için uyarıldı. Şöyle diyerek terk etmeyi reddetti, “Yazılmıştır ki: Kılıçla yaşayan kılıçla ölecektir.”. Öyle düşünceliydi ki başkalarını kılıçla öldürdüğünü unutmadı ve öldürülmek için gönüllü olarak bekledi. Onunla bekleyen altı diğer keşiş de onunla birlikte katledildi. (400)
*Skiti: Kulübelerden oluşan site. Skitiler bir köy yapısındadır. Ortasında keşişlerin Pazar ve bayram günü toplandıkları kilise(Kiryakon) yer alır.
  Ingilizceden Türkçeye çeviren Vasilis Gelbal

Uganda: " Our small village, Luguzi, is getting bigger and, finally, complete."

Healing Human Pain, Congo (DRC)


Congo (DRC)

Dear Friends of the Mission,
I greet you in the name of our risen Christ.
I am always touched when I communicate in writing with the Orthodox Missionary Fraternity, through which my missionary consciousness was nurtured.
I dare make an earnest appeal to the charitable feelings of your Board and your donors to ask for an aid of € 3,000-4,000 for coverage of the direct medical costs of the Holy Metropolis of Kinshasa. As you know, our much-afflicted brothers here in Congo are devoid of medical care. Unfortunately, nothing is free. Everything has to be paid for!

Ι often think, especially at night before I lie down, whether there are any medications in stock in the little clinic that your Fraternity built in the area of Shamana to the north of the Congo jungle. Sadly enough, there is no way of communicating with that place. This tropical region is so hard to go through that the news reaches us when someone comes here after months of travelling. Besides that, I have to deal with any type of health problems that might occur in our brothers here in the capital city, Kinshasa. Unfortunately, there is no money to meet these needs, which arise suddenly and need immediate treatment, as human lives are at risk.
I am deeply grateful for your unconditional love and financial assistance. May God bless you always.
With the love of our risen Christ,
†Nikiphoros of Kinshasa

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Πλούτος και η οικονομική κρίση, του Ζιμπάμπουε Σεραφείμ Κυκκώτη

του Ζιμπάμπουε Σεραφείμ Κυκκώτη. Στη Ευαγγελική περικοπή αυτής της Κυριακής βλέπουμε κάποιον πλούσιο να πλησιάζει τον Ιησού και να τον ρωτάει τι πρέπει να κάνει για να κληρονομήσει την αιώνια ζωή. Κι ο Ιησούς του λέει ότι βασική…

«Σαγηνευτικοί άνθρωποι – Παιδιά του Θεού», Σοφία Χατζή


22ο Ιεραποστολικό Συνέδριο – Σάββατο 19/8/17
Πανελλήνιος Χριστιανικός Όμιλος Ορθοδόξου Ιεραποστολής

Εισήγηση από την κα Σοφία Χατζή, Συγγραφέα, με θέμα: «Σαγηνευτικοί άνθρωποι – Παιδιά του Θεού»



Την 29η Αυγούστου 2017,η ΑΘΜ ο Πάπας και Πατριάρχης Αλεξανδρείας και πάσης Αφρικής κ.κ. Θεόδωρος Β', χοροστάτησε κατά την Θεία Λειτουργία επί τη εορτή της Αποτομής της Τιμίας Κεφαλής του Αγίου Ιωάννου του Προδρόμου, στον ομώνυμο ανακαινισθέντα ιστορικό Ιερό Ναό, εντός του πάλαι ποτέ «Κοτσίκειου» Ελληνικού Νοσοκομείου στην Αλεξάνδρεια. Στην Θεία Λειτουργία προσήλθαν αρκετοί πιστοί, που ευλαβούνται τον Βαπτιστή.
Στην συνέχεια, με ιδιαίτερη χαρά, υποδέχθηκε στο Πατριαρχικό Μέγαρο, τον Αιγύπτιο ιεροσπουδαστή κ.Άσραφ Ναμπίρ Hosin Bayoouk, μαζί με τον αδερφό του π. Θεόδωρο, ιερέα του Πατριαρχείου Αλεξανδρείας στο Αραβόφωνο ποίμνιο της περιοχής Μανσούρα, από όπου κατάγονται.
Μετά από συνάντησή τους, ο Μακαριώτατος χειροθέτησε τον Ιεροσπουδαστή κ. Bayoouk σε Αναγνώστη, εντός του Πατριαρχικού Παρεκκλησίου των Αγίων Θεοδώρων. Ο χειροθετηθείς το τελευταίο διάστημα βρίσκεται για σπουδές στην Ρωσία, με την ευλογία του Μακαριωτάτου Πατριάρχου Αλεξανδρείας και την έγκριση του Αγιωτάτου Πατριάρχου Μόσχας, στην Θεολογική Ακαδημία του Αγίου Σεργίου.
Ευχή του Αλεξανδρινού Προκαθημένου είναι, μετά τις σπουδές του, ο κ.Bayoouk ως αραβόφωνος πιστός, να διακονήσει το αραβόφωνο ποίμνιο και τους Ρώσους Ορθοδόξους που βρίσκονται ή που έρχονται στην Αίγυπτο, τελώντας την Λατρεία της Εκκλησίας στην γλώσσα τους.
Τέλος, ο Μακαριώτατος τους αποχαιρέτησε, ευχόμενος στον ιεροσπουδαστή καλές σπουδές, καλή διακονία ως Αναγνώστης της Εκκλησίας και μελλοντικά ως κληρικός της Εκκλησίας.

Ουγκάντα... εκεί στον Άγιο Σπυρίδωνα του Λουγκουζί...στη μέση του πουθενά...στο σπίτι σου...

Κάπου στην Κένυα...

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