9 out of 10 children in Cameroon are too poor to own school books. Often the only books they see during their primary school years are those belonging to the teacher. They depend on the notes they take in their notebooks during class as their only source of knowledge. IOCC is helping to improve education for Cameroon’s children with the distribution of English grammar, math and science textbooks and school kits filled with notebooks, pencils and rulers for 14,000 school-aged children at five schools across Cameroon.
9 out of 10 children in Cameroon are too poor to own school books. Often the only books they see during their primary school years are those belonging to the teacher. They depend on the notes they take in their notebooks during class as their only source of knowledge. IOCC is helping to improve education for Cameroon’s children with the distribution of English grammar, math and science textbooks and school kits filled with notebooks, pencils and rulers for 14,000 school-aged children at five schools across Cameroon.