Habbil Lipesa Omukuba
Chris Brown (Father Silouan)
Glory be to God Almighty for the great blessing.Kibera slums was really blessed to have our Archbishop visiting.God bless kibera slums children.
Chris Brown (Father Silouan)
Glory be to God Almighty for the great blessing.Kibera slums was really blessed to have our Archbishop visiting.God bless kibera slums children.

"Just finished my last night in Kibera, it was a true blessing to be here. Archbishop Makarios met with us at the church. It was a blessing to visit with him some more.
I am looking forward to being able to share the story of the Church in Kenya with all of you and will post more pictures asap; now I am off to Father Mark and Presvytera Alice's place..."
Chris Brown (Father Silouan)