Habbil Lipesa Omukuba
"Am Fr Agapios Habbil Lipesa OMUKUBA the Parish priest of Saint George Greek Orthodox parish.Am also the care provider at saint Tabitha Community Centre which care for the orphans.
At saint Tabitha Community Centre,we have homed 20 orphans.We need to feed them daily.The cheapest meal will cost $600 a month.We pay rent of $200 and need more rooms for boys which will be $150 a month.Care givers are two.$100 a month for each.School fees $6000 a year.Medical care $2000 a month.Any... donation will beof great help to the orphans at saint Tabitha Community Centre through our PayPal
My Ordination name is Fr Agapios

"Am Fr Agapios Habbil Lipesa OMUKUBA the Parish priest of Saint George Greek Orthodox parish.Am also the care provider at saint Tabitha Community Centre which care for the orphans.
At saint Tabitha Community Centre,we have homed 20 orphans.We need to feed them daily.The cheapest meal will cost $600 a month.We pay rent of $200 and need more rooms for boys which will be $150 a month.Care givers are two.$100 a month for each.School fees $6000 a year.Medical care $2000 a month.Any... donation will beof great help to the orphans at saint Tabitha Community Centre through our PayPal
My Ordination name is Fr Agapios
God bless you all for your support and care."
God bless you all for your support and care."