$ 0 0 20:06 ΑΡΧΙΜ. ΘΕΜΙΣΤΟΚΛΗΣ ΑΔΑΜΌΠΟΥΛΟΣ FREETOWN ΣΙΈΡΡΑ ΛΕΌΝΕ The charity Paradise 4 Kids (P4A) was first established in Australia to help Rev Themi and other missionaries in their calling from God; now with committees all around the world, made up of dedicated Christians in the Orthodox Church and in other Churches, P4A have set themselves apart by being a total Voluntary organization with no one receiving any remuneration, (not even Brother Themi), by funding his outreach to anyone who will listen and to other missions as directed by Brother Themi.Proudly sponsored by Brisbane Backpackers http://www.somewheretostay.com.au/http://hostelsinbrisbane.com.au/http://brisbanehostels.net.au/http://cheaphostelbrisbane.com.au/http://cheaphostelsbrisbane.com.au/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5zq1JE88rc&spfreload=10