His Grace Panteleimon, Bishop of Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon, met with His Excellency Mr.Anatole Collinet Makosso, Minister of Primary and Secondary Education and Literacy (Ministrede l’Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et de l’Alphabétisation) of the Congo Republic on 1stJune 2016.
His Grace visited the Minister in the capital, Brazzaville, to discuss issues regarding the proper functioning of the Orthodox Educational Institute “Light of the Nations”, for the forthcoming academic year 2016-2017. He also conveyed to His Excellency Mr. Makosso the paternal prayers and gratitude of His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, for the support shown by the State to the local Church.
The Orthodox Primary School, “Light of the Nations”, which 130 pupils are attending during this academic year 2015-2016, under the worthy leadership of the experienced educator Mr. Jean-Claude Tchilimbou, has been recogniised by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education as an«établissement privé conventionné» (a private institution on specific contract), following the relative Contract which was signed on 23rd August 2013 between the Holy Diocese and the competent Ministry. It involves the provision of multiple legal and other specific benefits for each institution that belongs to the Orthodox Church of Congo-Brazzaville and operates or will operate in the territory of the country. A corresponding contract governs all benefits of all private schools of the Roman Catholic Church.
Finally, it is noted that the school complex was renovated during the past year, 2015.