$ 0 0 1:25 St Irene Orthodox mission centre Kenya was started in may 2010 by Fr Constantino's Eliud and his presbytera Triza.Our mission has played big role in spreading the Orthodox faith in this community.The mission started from scratch. We rented a room that served as a Church and a catechitical class.I joined the Makarios 111 seminary in the September the same year. Since my wife is a trained teacher was the one responsible during this period of three years.By the grace of God and intervention of my spiritual father now His Grace Bishop Neophytos I was ordained into deaconate.December the same year was ordained into priesthood and given the name Fr Constantino's.Glory to God was able to execute my duties of administering the sacraments most especially Baptism and Holy Eucharist.In the mission centre we offer basic education and feeding programme to orphans and other vulnerable children sponsored by people of goodwill.I humbly request wellwishers both local and abroad to support these children for them to feel worthy in the community too.Our bank details:Name: Eliud Muthiru NjugunaA/c no:1177968940Bank: KCBSwift code: KCBLKENXMotto: Education for AllMission: proclaim Christ gospel, teaching and spreading the orthodox faith.Email Address: FrConstah1@gmail.comContacts:0254-0727-916-715.God bless you all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWCDawaw0CI