Innocentios Byakatonda
"We have arrived, O faithful, at the saving Passion of Christ our God. Let us glorify His ineffable forbearance. So that in His tender mercy He might raise us with himself,deadened by sin as we are, for he is good and love humanity.

"We have arrived, O faithful, at the saving Passion of Christ our God. Let us glorify His ineffable forbearance. So that in His tender mercy He might raise us with himself,deadened by sin as we are, for he is good and love humanity.
Today at the cathedral in Bujumbura Dormition (Koimisis) of Theotokos His grace celebrated PRESANCTIFIED DIVINE LITURGY in KIRUNDI AND KINYARWANDA.
Glory be to God, with the blessing and guidance of our Pope and Patriarch Theodoros II, translat...ions of different services in Kirundi and Kinyarwanda are almost complete.
Glory be to God, with the blessing and guidance of our Pope and Patriarch Theodoros II, translat...ions of different services in Kirundi and Kinyarwanda are almost complete.
May the almighty God grant Many years to our beloved Burundians and Rwandese seminarians who are studying at Our Patriarchal Seminary “MAKARIOS II ARCHBISOP OF CYPRUS” Nairobi Kenya. "