On Sunday, 17 April, the Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt, His Eminence Archbishop Sergios visited the Chapel of Saint Mary of Egypt at Bedehuis Bethanië near Robertson, where he officiated at the Divine Liturgy for the Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt. His Eminence was accompanied by a number of Orthodox Christians from Cape Town, who joined with the local community in Robertson. After the Liturgy all present joined in a festive meal that was kindly provided by the Joannou family.
In his homily, His Eminence emphasized that Saint Mary of Egypt is given to us at this time of our Lenten fast as an example of repentance. She was a notorious sinner, but she provides us with an encouragement that there is no sin that is too great for us to repent of, and that anyone can become a saint through a life of repentance. His Eminence also stressed that, as an Egyptian, she belongs in a special way to the Church of Alexandria. We are an African Church, with a rich heritage and there are many African saints who can provide us with examples in our Christian life.
Περισσότερα... http://www.goarch.co.za/