$ 0 0 6:53Making a decision to avoid living in a self centred world is not easy but it's important. I decided this past August to take part in a missionary trip with the Greek Orthodox Christian Church to Uganda with a group of people from the monastery of Xrysopigi in Polidendri. We helped bring medicine, medical help, clothing, candy and organise a 1-week camp for the community of Saint Spyridon in the village of Luguzi. Arts and craft, music, games, speeches and many more educating activities were held. Here are a few moments captured with my phone. This experience was far from stigmatising, it helped me love more, give more, pray more, be thankful for every single human being around me and all blessings God has granted us. I met wonderful, real, pure people who love unconditionally. I wish I could transmit the feelings which are a result of such events but its impossible.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y4owsnu0Bs