Diocese of Irinoupolis
For 560 years, the New Testament has been the undisputed best seller worldwide. Billions of copies have been printed, while only in 2014 millions of families acquired their first bible ever.
Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness…The Bible is the saving word of God, an eternal evidence of the revealed truth; through it we come to know the Lord and we are invited to live with Him.
For this reason, printed editions of the Bible is certainly an irreplaceable tool for the difficult work of Orthodox missionaries. In the vast savannas and steppes, villages and cities of this planet, the always few members of Orthodox Missions hand out copies of the Bible to hundreds of the world’s races, leaving the grace of God to act secretly in their souls until their next missionary visit.
Currently, our Mission in Tanzania is going to get the New Testament printed in Swahili for the second time and distribute it to thousands of new families. Please, support our effort. Give out God’s word to those longing for it.
At 2.50 euros only you can make the most valuable gift to a Tanzanian family.
Περισσότερα.... http://orthodoxmission.org.gr/?p=6861