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Οι ιεραποστολικές ομάδες των Ορθοδόξων Εκκλησιών ΗΠΑ-Καναδά (OCMC Orthodox Mission Teams) στηρίζουν την Ιεραποστολή στην Κένυα και στη ΒΔ Τανζανία (Ι.Μ. Μουάνζας)

(Οι Ορθόδοξες Εκκλησίες της Αμερικής στέλνουν ιεραποστολικές ομάδες σε διάφορες χώρες του κόσμου για να βοηθήσουν το ιεραποστολικό έργο. Οι ομάδες αυτές παραμένουν για ένα χρονικό διάστημα 2-3 εβδομάδων και καλύπτουν διάφορες ανάγκες. Όποιος Ορθόδοξος Χριστιανός ζει στις ΗΠΑ ή στον Καναδά, μπορεί να συμμετάσχει σε κάποια από αυτές τις ομάδες. Μάλιστα, όσοι συμμετέχουν, δεν καλύπτουν μόνοι τους τα έξοδα, αλλά μπορεί να τα καλύψουν άνθρωποι από την ενορία τους κλπ. Είμαστε στο έτος 2013 και ο θεσμός αυτός είναι ΑΓΝΩΣΤΟΣ ( σχεδόν ) στην Ελλάδα, στη Κύπρο, στη Σερβία, στη Βουλγαρία, στη Ρουμανία, στη Ρωσία, στην Ουκρανία, στη Γεωργία και στις άλλες τοπικές ορθόδοξες εκκλησίες...)
Kenya Flag
Vision for Kenya
To carry the Faith to new areas and tribes, develop the infrastructure of the Church, provide seminary education for clergy, translate materials into indigenous languages and minister to the poor.
Ministry Plan Goals
Most of OCMC’’s efforts are currently focused on the Turkan region of Norther Kenya where we are working with local clergy to welcome hundreds of new people into the Church. OCMC will support local clergy, evangelize and catechize the Turkana, help develop philanthropic ministries, further establish Church infrastructure, and prototype a translation program to make liturgical and theological texts more widely available.
2013 Strategies
  • Assess long-term missionary opportunities and recruit a long-term missionary for Turkana or translations.
  • Send a Mission Team to assist with the construction of a permanent church in Loupwala.
  • Recruit, train and send one Evangelism Mission Team to share the Orthodox Faith with more people among the Turkana and to provide catechism to the newly illumined.
  • Support social ministry projects that minister to the physical needs of the Turkana people including:
    - A well in Lokichar
    - A nursery school feeding program in Lodwar
    - The construction of an academy to provide schooling for children in Lodwar
  • Continue dialog with local clergy to identify additional income generating projects that encourage self-sufficient and self-propagating Orthodox Christian communities.


Tanzania Flag
Vision for Tanzania
To share the Gospel with those who have not heard it while ministering to the whole person; teaching them the Holy Orthodox faith; and growing Christ’s Church in the Metropolis of Mwanza.
Ministry Plan Goals
OCMC will provide continued catechetical and seminary teaching, improvements to church infrastructure, philanthropic ministry, healthcare, and administrative support to encourage vibrant Eucharistic Orthodox communities in Tanzania. To this end, OCMC will send Missionaries, Mission Specialists, Mission Teams to the Metropolis of Mwanza, and financially support Tanzanian clergy.
2013 Strategies
  • Train a minimum of 2 additional clergy and lay leaders for the St. Dimitrie Program and implement management structure to maintain it.
  • Assist in further developing the [Bukoba] Ufufuo Health Centre’s medical programs and staffing.
  • Assist in developing a national youth program.
  • Sustain and support 4 long-term missionaries that will provide administration and healthcare.
  • Deploy 1new long-term missionary with an initial ministry focus on translation.
  • Recruit an additional long-term Missionary(s) for the St. Dimitrie Program.
  • Recruit a long-term Missionary to serve as an English teacher.
  • Recruit a long-term Missionary for team coordination.
  • Recruit, train and send one (1) teaching teams – teaching church leaders, catechists and young adults, offering basic catechism in Mwanza area.
  • Recruit, train and send one (1) health care team – ministering to the medical and spiritual needs of individuals who have limited access to health care services, in cooperation with the Bukoba Orthodox Health Clinic.
  • Produce a video highlighting OCMC’s work in Tanzania by the 4th quarter of 2013.
  • Provide financial support to Tanzanian clergy.

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