Cathedral of Saint George – Cape Town
His Eminence Archbishop Sergios Metropolitan of Good Hope officiated at the Service of the Holy Eucharist and blessed the palm crosses and bay leaves, together with Father Nikolaos Giamouridis and deacon Father Michael Simos.The Service was very well attended and in his address after the Service, His Eminence explained the significance of Palm Sunday. He said that Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem in a humble way on a donkey and that this was the beginning of the final stage of His ministry on earth, which was followed by the events leading to His passion, crucifixion, burial in a tomb and resurrection and that during Holy Week, we as Orthodox Christians have the opportunity to follow the way of Jesus Christ. Every faithful person who believes in God and loves his fellowmen and himself or herself has the obligation to attend the Services of Holy Week as a participation in the Passion of Jesus Christ.