On Sunday 1 February after the Service of the Holy Eucharist an Artoclasia was held for The Three Holy Hierarchs, Saint Basil the Great, Saint Gregory the Theologian and Saint Chrysostom, who are the accredited patrons of Greek education, at the Cathedral of Saint George in Cape Town.
After the Service three of the scholars from the Kosmas Aitolos Greek community school, Georgia and Anna Angeliniades, and Marianna Luizinho spoke about the life stories of the three Saints in Greek and in English.

In his address after the Service, His Eminence Archbishop Sergios, Metropolitan of good Hope said that because of the Three Hierarchs no one is correct in saying that Christianism is not the faith of the Greeks. The Hierarchs have united the high philosophical ideas about the one God of the Ancient Greeks with the theology of Christianity. Jesus Christ is an historic person who has a strong connection with the Greek civilisation. His name Christos means the person “Annointed by God Himself”. Christ also named Himself with the “Alpha and Omega- letters of the Greek alphabet. This is the proof is that He taught in the Greek language.

His Eminence also thanked the mothers and the grandparents of the community who bring their children to Church, Sunday school and the Greek school. He thanked the teachers of the Greek school for the good work that they are doing in teaching the children of our community Greek. He also thanked the president of the Hellenic Community, Nassos Martalas and his committee for providing the facilities and for all their work in relation to the school. He ended by thanking the Consul of Greece in Cape Town, Mr Thomas Matsoukas for his support and extended thanks to the Greek Ministry of education for their efforts in assisting Greek communities in the Diaspora with teachers to teach at the Greek language schools. His Eminence wished everyone a blessed Feast Day.
Περισσότερα... http://www.goarch.co.za/