Orthodox Mission has been active in Malawi for 8 years and founded communities of faithful in dozens of settlements all over the country. These communities naturally need a church. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to construct churches for all communities. So, in about 10 parishes, the Orthodox gather in a straw-hut. There they pray, there are conducted the services. Often, during the period of heavy rain, the roof leaks and the clay-made bricks desolve.
Such a parish is the mountainous village Nkhuwala in Chiradzulu region. There we baptized the first Orthodox Christians, four years ago. Their patience and endurance are noteworthy. They at their own built their straw-hut, in order to gather there on Sundays and feast days. One would expect that their interest for our faith would disappear and we would lose him. On the contrary, they didn’t disappointed, nor did they betray their faith. Often they say “we were baptized Orthodox Christians and in this faith we will die.”
To respond to this love of our Malawian brothers, we published their request and God provided that a sponsor is found who undertook the biggest part of the cost.
We have already sent the first money and the foundation of the church started. Please, pray that we will be able to complete it.