Μετά τον Εσπερινό της Αγάπης τον οποίο παρακολούθησαν εκατοντάδες Ορθοδόξων Ελλήνων, Ρώσσων,Σέρβων, Λιβανέζων,Ρουμάνων,Αρμενίων, Λευκορώσων και πολλών άλλων Εθνικοτήτων οι Γκανέζοι Ορθόδοξοι με το δικό τους τρόπο δίνουν τον πανηγυρικό τόνο της ημέρας.
After the Vespers of Love which was attended by hundreds of Orthodox Greeks, Russians, Serbs, Lebanese, Romania, Armenian, Belarus and many other nationalities the Ghanaian Orthodox with their own way giving the promotional tone of the day.
After the Vespers of Love which was attended by hundreds of Orthodox Greeks, Russians, Serbs, Lebanese, Romania, Armenian, Belarus and many other nationalities the Ghanaian Orthodox with their own way giving the promotional tone of the day.