From the moment the guests arrived at the new Orthodox Centre in Lansdowne, the buzz of happy chatting was in the air as senior parishioners from around Cape Town gathered together to enjoy the first ever morning tea for seniors on 13 March.
The Welfare Committee, under the auspices of the Metropolis, has initiated this morning tea get-together to encourage older members of the community to socialise and network with one another in the comfort and familiarity of a Greek atmosphere. Throughout the morning there was a great spirit of warmth and excitement as old friends met up again and new ones got to know each other.
It will be held once a month and judging by the favourable comments of this first gathering, it is sure to become a favourite fixture. The draw for those present was the relaxed and comfortable venue where they could interact with other people of their own age, watch a Greek movie, play tavli, listen to Greek music and just enjoy getting out and doing something different.
The Welfare Committee, under the auspices of the Metropolis, has initiated this morning tea get-together to encourage older members of the community to socialise and network with one another in the comfort and familiarity of a Greek atmosphere. Throughout the morning there was a great spirit of warmth and excitement as old friends met up again and new ones got to know each other.
It will be held once a month and judging by the favourable comments of this first gathering, it is sure to become a favourite fixture. The draw for those present was the relaxed and comfortable venue where they could interact with other people of their own age, watch a Greek movie, play tavli, listen to Greek music and just enjoy getting out and doing something different.