On Saturday 1 March parents and their children attended the launch of the Russian language School at the new Orthodox Centre in Lansdowne. The school is the innovation of two mothers, Olga Speakes and Lada Komissarova who identified the need to organise a regular get together for the children of the Russian community in Cape Town
His Eminence Archbishop Sergios has been instrumental in encouraging the formation of the new school and has offered the support of the Metropolis and the New Orthodox Centre as a venue. Father Daniel (from Johannesburg) visits Cape Town regularly to hold services for the Russian speaking Orthodox community at the Metropolitan Church of Saints Raphael Nicholas and Irene and with the blessing of His Eminence has also assisted with advice and material.Parents responded to an invitation posted on Facebook (Russian mamas in Cape Town) and about 15 families attended the first meeting. The turnout was very encouraging and some families travelled from areas outside of Cape Town. The children will meet every first and third Saturday morning of each month from 10.30 am – 12.30 pm at the Orthodox Centre, 37 Lyndon Crescent, Pinati Estate, Lansdowne and parents are welcome to socialise over a cup of coffee. Anyone who is interested in enrolling their children can contact Lada - russianclubcapetown@gmail.com