On Sunday 2 February 2014, Archimandrite Joakeim Vasilakos officiated at the Service of the Holy Eucharist which included an Artoclasia for The Three Hierarchs, Saint Basil the Great, Saint Gregory the Theologian and Saint Chrysostom, who are the accredited patrons of Greek education. He was joined by Reverend Fr. George Tsiftis – the community’s Greek teacher who became a Priest recently.
Reverend Fr. George was ordained a Priest in Greece by His Eminence Pavlos, Metropolitan Bishop of Sisaniou and Siatista in the Cathedral of St Demetrios in Siatista on 19 January 2014. He was ordained deacon the day before at the Monastery of St. Athanios the Great. Many community members joined Archimandrite Joakeim and Mrs. Thelma Christodolou at the airport to welcome home him home.
Father George and Archimandrite Joakeim are to be commended for the improvement in the attendance and progress of the Greek School in Port Elizabeth. It is indeed a source of celebration and gratitude that Port Elizabeth has a committed clerical force which will help to bind the community and underline the importance of upholding our Orthodox Faith and traditions which will be the cornerstone of future generations there.